Handle your robots
A job is a robot that can automate actions on :
🔹A browser (Chrome, Firefox),
🔹Android (contact us for more information).
Click on the job's name to configure your scenario in the Toolbox.
Create job
To create a new job :
🔹set a name,
🔹choose a robot type,
🔹and fill a starting URL.
It is possible to add a descprition, and many other settings and parameters.
Import job
You can import one or several jobs at the same time. File must be in JSON or TXT.
Just drag and drop your file on jobs table. It will create or merge containers automatically.
If your job contains subsession, you will have to import it as well and rebind the action "Launch subsession" in Toolbox of your main job.
When the job was exported without sensitive data, you will have to fill missing settings when importing your job.
Actions on your job
Run Job
The play icon will run your robot as you have configured it in Toolbox and with its job's settings.
Go to session screen to see it progressing.
Run with custom parameters
You can run your robot with specific settings for that session only. Modified parameters will not be applied in the next run.
Edit settings for your job.
Export job
You can export job for backup or for sharing.
When asked, take care if you want to include sensitive data such as parameters value or data connectors.